Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pear And Veggie Salad With Creamy Boursin Dressing

I have been a little lazy lately when it comes to making salads for some reason. I don't know why? Salad is really one of my favorite things to eat. Usually I will stock my fridge with all kinds of delicious salad fixings so that I can throw together a salad for lunch with little prep time. This next week I am going to re-focus my efforts in doing this, so stay tuned for some good salad prep tips that will make it easier to eat healthy when you are short on time, or energy if you're a tired busy mom like me! 

For today I am going to make something simple but good. You can eat it alone like I did, or serve it with your entree of choice!

One of my cheese loves is Boursin. My oh my.... Bring on the Boursin, and I'm in. I could eat that stuff all day long. It has the most amazing creamy texture and has such a mellow lovely flavor. It's a 10 on my cheese grading chart. :)

Now, I also like creamy dressings, but sometimes a bleu cheese is just a little much for me! I thought, why not make a cheese based dressing from one of my favorite cheeses, instead of with a cheese I just tolerate. Ha! Genius! We are going to whip up a nice and simple dinner salad today. This would pair well with pretty much anything. So be creative and have fun!

Here's what we're going for....

Get out your garlic and herb boursin, and separate about 3 ounces of it. Put it in a small mixing bowl and add red wine vinegar and water. Whisk together.

Add olive oil,


And black pepper, to taste.

Mix that up, and there is your wonderfully cheesy, creamy, nummy dressing!

Now we need to prepare all the fruit and veggies. I sliced my pears quite thin. Made my broccoli into tiny florets and halved my tomatoes. You also need to set your oven to 350 and roast your cup of pecans for 7 minutes. Now you should be ready to put together your salad!

You can either mix and dress all your ingredients in a salad bowl, or arrange them out on separate salad plates. I prefer to arrange mine separately if I am serving a group of 4-6 because the salads look so neat and pretty.

Place your lettuce first, then your veggies, and last your pears and roasted pecans. Drizzle your creamy dressing over the salad. Go light, because the flavor is rich! Enjoy!


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