Monday, September 9, 2013

Salad of the week: Brussels Sprout and Kale Salad with Baby Heirloom Tomatoes, Sea Hive Cheese and Pumpkin Seeds. Drizzle with home made Honey-Mustard Vinaigrette.

I am not a "health food fanatic" per-say. I honestly wish I could mentally go there, but I think the truth is that I never will. I don't think I could ever go no grain, no sugar, all organic... It's just to much of a pain in the you-know-what to let my food entirely rule my every thought. It certainly rules plenty around our house, and I don't feel that I have one more ounce of umph to go there. I do however, try very hard to make fresh produce central to my style of cooking. I love my veggies and fruits, and am always trying to find fun and delicious ways of incorporating them into my families diet. I love that my kids are becoming accustom to a wide variety of produce items, and are even a little snobbish about it. Lol. I was glistening with pride when my daughter said to me the other day, "I hate McDonald's! Every time I eat there I feel sick".... Sad, but true. She is finally getting the picture about why fresh cooking and produce is so important and goooood for you. (Proud mommy moment). Being a stay-at-home-mom is sometimes challenging for me when it comes to lunchtime. I'll admit I have become a bit of an eater-outer the last few five years. It sure does make it difficult to eat healthy, balanced meals when you are on the go. I need to reel that crazy (expensive) habit in a tad and get back to cooking lunch at home. Luckily I am being forced into this thanks to my new schedule with a kindergartner in school and an almost two-year-old's napping schedule. I am quickly becoming a home-body like never before! I have been missing my lunch salads that were a regular go-to lunch out, though. 

I have decided that because I will be dining at home during the lunch hour, and will need some fast, yet healthy meals for myself, I would challenge myself to pull off a new salad routine.... Here's my plan:

Each weekend (that I am in town) I am going to plan a salad that I will eat for lunches during the week. I will prep the items needed for the salad and have them at the ready in baggies in the refrigerator so that when the lunch hour rolls around and I am starving and harried from my wild hooligans, I will still be able to throw together a healthy, tasty salad. I will do my best to post my salad of the week here on Mondays to help you with some healthy lunch options too! So who's up for it? Let's eat some healthy lunches together!!

For the first ever Salad Of The Week I am using baby kale leaves and thinly sliced Brussels sprouts for the greens, which will serve as the base of my salad. I also bought some baby artisan lettuce heads in case I feel like mixing the greens together with something a little more leafy. :) The salad fixings are as follows: diced red peppers, diced yellow onion, baby heirloom tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, sea hive cheddar cheese, salt and pepper. That sounds pretty heavenly to me!! For the dressing, I found inspiration from Epicurious for the Honey-Mustard Vinaigrette Dressing which turned out lovely. It was a yummy compliment to the fresh veggies, pumpkin seeds and cheese. I plan on pan searing some simple chicken breast to go with this salad today and I will make enough for several days, but chicken is not necessary. The great thing about this salad is that you can eat it raw, like I already have, or you can quickly saute the Brussels sprouts, kale, onion and peppers. Serve it warm and top it with the tomatoes, cheese and pumpkin seeds. It is pretty delicious both ways. :) I hope you like this salad! 

{Here she is in RAW form.} 

Loving it!
Let's prep these veggies shall we?

First I thinly sliced the Brussels sprouts. You could be smart and use a food processor or something a little faster, but I figured that I was already at the cutting board removing the stems, so I might as well just slice them while I was at it. :) 

Next chop your kale and remove the stem. Dice the yellow onion and red pepper. 
Now onto the dressing!

In a small bowl mix together honey, red wine vinegar, minced garlic, juice and zest of lemon, ground mustard, salt and pepper. Whisk together well. 

In a larger mixing bowl whisk to emulsify olive oil and vegetable oil. Pour the contents of the smaller bowl to the oil in the larger bowl. Whisk together well. Taste check and add more salt or pepper if desired. Store in a covered container in the refrigerator for one week. (I doubt you will have much left at that point.)

{Here she is in her SAUTEED form.}

Now, all you have left to do is decide how you want to eat this lovely salad?! Either plate it up and eat it nice and raw, or heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 teaspoon olive oil or even use cooking spray... Saute together kale, Brussels sprouts, onion, red pepper and pumpkin seeds for about 3 minutes (just until Brussels sprouts turn bright green). Salt and pepper it and it is ready! Top with cheese and baby heirloom tomatoes and you are prepared to enjoy a healthy and nutritious salad at home! Hooray for you!

Oh my, that is looking good. I am thrilled to have taken a small bit of time to prep this goodness for my lunches this week! This will be such a time saver! 

And it's all thanks to this baby girl getting all big and heading off into the wide world of Kindergarten! Wow. How time flies!

OK people. I am going to need some more salad ideas, so send my your favorite lunch salads in a comment! I need your help! 



  1. Yummy!!! I'm going to make this tonight for sure. Thanks for the great recipes!

    1. Thanks Chelsea! Let me know how you like it!! I have been totally chowing this goodness down for lunch all week. I think I have gone throught 16 ounces of Kale already. Crazy eh? I am glad you are liking the recipes, I know they aren't all vegan friendly, but many of them are produce centered and can be altered to be vegetarian or vegan. :) I checked out your last demo vid on your site, and it was super cool. :)
