Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good Eats!

What have we been eating???
All sorts of goodness! I am loving this Bundle!

We have been truly feasting on all manner of delicious foods ever since the Seasonal Harvest Bundle Pick-up on Wednesday! We can't get enough of all of the exciting foods!
My favorite dish by far has been the Classic Italian Caprese Salad, with Fresh Ciabatta Bread! We drizzled a bit of the wonderful Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil (from the last bundle) over it, and added some fresh Basil from our garden! Let me tell you, you have never eaten something so delicious! That Mozzarella was to die for!!!

We really liked our Artichokes! We almost never buy these in the store. For some reason I don't ever think to purchase them, but this reminded me how much I really love them! I especially like to dip them in Ranch dip. Just for fun. Yum.

Here was our meal the night after picking up our bundle! So So amazing. There are no words.

Tonight we made the Butternut Squash recipe we provided to you, except we baked ours in the oven. It was fantastic! I seriously ate almost half of the Squash.... couldn't help myself. It was so goooood.

All in all, we are eating pretty darn good, and with little effort! I love this system. I will never want to go back to my "stuck in a rut" cooking ever again!
~Laura Muir 8/27/10

Here are a few of the things I have cooked from the last Bundle. 
I used some of the recipes provided and they were delicious!!!

I have to say, this was one of the easiest meals I have ever made, and one of the yummiest!

We had a fun time eating these Shishito Peppers! If you read the Food For Thought on these peppers, they are sometimes called "Japanese Roulette Peppers" most of them are mild, but a few of them are HOT! 
I just kept on eating and enjoying these peppers with my husband, and he got all 3 of the hot ones, and I got away with eating all mild and delicious ones! It was funny to watch his surprised expression when he  got a hot one. Ha Ha. It made dinner pretty fun.

Loved this fresh Carrot and Raisin Salad! It was so fresh and delicious and it had an amazing flavor. I will definately make this again!

I tried a new way to cook corn on the cob. We grilled it over coals right in the husk. Once it was blackened, we shucked it and cleaned it off, buttered and salt and peppered it. It was AMAZING. 

Just had to take a picture of these babies. They reminded me of how much I love Mangos! I fell in love with them in Hawaii. These were so juicy and fresh. 

I loved having all of these great products in my home, and at my disposal. 
It has really spiced up my cooking regimen. We are no longer going to continue to cook our same old recipes. We are officially addicted to our Seasonal Harvest Bundles!

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