Sunday, November 14, 2010

Waste not, want not!

On this fine Sunday afternoon, I spent my time leisurely organizing my kitchen and listening to some of my favorite music. (Something that happens once in a blue moon.) My baby was napping, so I took to the kitchen in the attitude of taking stock of what was in there, and re-organizing a few things. 
Do you know what I found? Food. Namely the kind that needed to be used up soon! One of those thinks was my Sugar Pie Pumpkins. I want to use them for Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. An idea came to me to roast them ahead of time, to make Thanksgiving cooking a little easier. So that is just what I did. Did you know, I have barely used my Cuisinart? What a huge mistake on my part! I got to know it better today, and I am very glad! That machine is so awesome. I am going to get much better use of it from now on. I roasted my cute little pumpkins, and pureed them in no time. So much easier than it seems. Since tomorrow isn't Thanksgiving, I froze my pureed pumpkin in 2 cup portions to use on the big day! I can't wait to bake my Homestyle Pumpkin Pie! This is one little thing I was able to do to cut out some prep time, and make it easier to NOT use the canned pumpkin out of desperation at the last minute! Hooray for me.
On another note, I found a new love for Pumpkin seeds!!! 
I never knew how yummy they can be roasted with the right seasonings!

While preparing to roast my seeds, my hubby came into the kitchen and said with a scowl, "You're making those??? I don't even like pumpkin seeds!"
I let him know that these were going to be super yummy, and that he will like them, I am sure! (What he didn't know, is that I was going to use his favorite seasoning to give them the kick they deserve!) He left the kitchen telling me he is sure he wont. But that didn't stop me. (It usually doesn't.)

A little while later, I had the finished product cooling on a plate. I tasted them, amazed at their deliciousness. Mike came in and gave them a try....
Guess what?? HE LOVED THEM!!!
He went crazy for them. He went even to the extreme and offered to gather the 4 pumpkins which are still on our front porch, de-seed them by himself that second, in the hopes that I would roast them all up and store them so that we will, 
"have tons that we can eat!"
Ha Ha Ha. I was truly shocked at his utter opposite opinion of Pumpkin seeds!
That made my night. It was so worth it!

Here is the recipe for you to enjoy! 
Maybe your hubbies will love them as much as mine!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

1 1/2 cup Pumpkin Seeds
6 cups water
3 T. table salt
1-2 t. Ichimi Togarashi seasoning (at your local asian market)
1 T. Kosher Salt
2 T. Olive Oil 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Rinse Pumpkin Seeds well. Place 1 1/2 cups Pumpkin Seeds in sauce pan with 6 cups water and 3 T. table salt. Bring to a boil on high. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 20 minutes. Drain water. In a medium bowl mix Pumpkin Seeds, 2 T. Olive Oil, 1 T. Kosher Salt and 1-2 t. Togarashi seasoning. When all seeds are evenly coated place them on a cookie sheet. Bake in oven until slightly browned. Do not overcook. Spread them out to cool a little before serving.
Enjoy! Beware, once you taste them, you may not be able to stop!!!

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