Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Apple Vanilla Belgian Waffles with Home Made Apple Syrup

Apple Vanilla Belgian Waffles

I am having so much fun with my Seasonal Harvest Bundle already. I just got it yesterday, but I am already making big plans for cooking this week.
I have been on a breakfast food kick. I don't know whats up...? This is not my usual diet I swear! Oh well. Just go with it right? Sometimes when you want waffles, you need to have waffles! These are no ordinary waffles however. Tonight I decided to make my waffles come to life with exciting flavors like fresh vanilla (from my vanilla beans in my Muir Fresh Harvest Bundle) and apples with cinnamon. I made it super easy, but seriously.... SERIOUSLY.... These are the BEST waffles I have ever made. I looooved them! My husband wasn't even here to witness their glory. Sad for him. Brings me back to the good old saying, when the boys are away the women will play (in the kitchen, of course!)

Apple Vanilla Belgian Waffles:

Waffle Ingredients:
2 1/2 cups Buttermilk Bisquick Pancake mix
1 cup water
1/2 cup Apple Juice 
1 egg white slightly beaten
1 fresh vanilla bean, contents scraped out and pod discarded
1 1/2 cups Apples, peeled, cored and grated
1 1/2 T. cinnamon
1 T. vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients well
Make on a Belgian Waffle Iron that is pre-heated. Make sure to butter or Pam your iron before adding batter. Cook till dark golden brown.
Top with whipped cream and home made apple syrup if desired!

Laura's Homestyle Apple Syrup:

1/2 cup sugar
1 T. corn starch
1 T. cinnamon
1 cup apple juice
1/2 vanilla bean center, or 1/2 T. vanilla extract
3 T. butter

In a small saucepan, add all ingredients except butter. Cook on medium. Whisk continually until syrup is to your desired thickness. 

This Apple syrup totally reminded me of home while I was growing up. My mother used to always make some kind of home made syrup for us kiddos with our breakfast. I love my mom. She is a great cook. She never even measures or uses a recipe hardly ever. She is one smart cook! Thanks for all the good memories in the kitchen mom!

I was actually planning on trying out some fun mini cupcake molds I borrowed from my sweet Auntie today, but somehow, this is what emerged instead! Funny how things work out. 

Today I was having a hard time dealing with the daily duties of motherhood. Sometimes it is a lonely job to be honest. I love my daughter more than life itself, but that doesn't mean I don't get hungry for some adult companionship during the day. That is just the way it is I'm afraid. I talk to other mom's and that is how most of them feel. This morning I was already feeling the lonely pangs for missing my husband because I knew he wouldn't be coming home after work today. He had to go to Wyoming. Just on a short trip, but still. I do miss him when he is not here, and I so look forward to the time "when daddy comes home" to play with his girls. It is the time I wait for during the day. It's my adult time, where we can both eat dinner together, chat, sip a diet coke, and just be us! When I know before hand that that time is not going to come, I get lonely. It is irrational, but it doesn't change the fact that it is...

One of the things that can bring me out of that lonely mommy funk is cooking. It gives me a sense of control in my home. I feel accomplished and happy knowing that I can create something delicious out of what is in my home. I love it. This is the drive behind this cooking blog. 

I want to try new recipes, create my own recipes and build on my baby cooking talent! I want to share that experience with my friends, family and all you wonderful people! My motto is share the love when it comes to cooking and recipes! I hope you can take something good away from this blog. Please feel free to share any comments too! I would love to hear from you!

Have a happy week!


  1. Home maid apple syrup is the best! Those look really good.

  2. Thanks Sandy! It appears that you are my only consistent reader, so glad you are liking it! I appreciate your comments! xoxo
