Thursday, October 20, 2011

Laura's Zuppa Toscana Soup

Today was such a lovely day. I have to admit it started out a bit shaky for me, but ended on such a good note thanks to my wonderful family. No matter how grumpy my "pregnancy hormones" wanted to make me, they couldn't win out over some fall cooking and family fun. I am so glad that I have them near.

I spent the afternoon at Wheeler Farm with my parents, brothers, sisters and their kiddos! It was a gorgeous day to be outside enjoying the scenery. The animals at the farm were very active. Elena had so much fun feeding the baby goats! After the farm we all decided to congregate at my Grandma Jeanne's house for some impromptu dinner and marshmallow roasting in the back yard. 

My mom was so kind as to let us use up some of the fresh produce she had from the most recent "Seasonal Harvest Bundle" she got from my business, Muir Fresh Harvest. I was feeling tired and hyper emotional today for some unknown reason and wasn't in too great a mood either. I decided that maybe what I really needed was a little "kitchen therapy' as I call it. Sometimes it is just nice to feel in control of something, even if it is only your food. :) We broke out the beautiful Kale, Yukon Gold Potatoes and Chevre cheese from my Mom's Bundle. I whipped up this soup in such a short period of time! It was just right, after an outing to Wheeler Farm. My mom picked up some Crostini Bread and we topped it with a little drizzle of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and the decadent Chevre cheese, gave it a little time under the broiler and voila! There you have a quick and scrumptious fall meal! It was divine to be exact!

Later that evening we made a fire in the back yard in my parent's handy dandy fire pit! The kids (including me) indulged in some finely roasted marshmallows. MMmmmm. That is the way to end the day if I could ever pick one. Thank Mom and Dad for getting us all together!

Laura's Zuppa Toscana Soup

5 tablespoons butter
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons flour
6 ounces cream
2 quarts chicken stock (Or water with chicken bouillon mixed in.)
2 cups skim milk
Salt and pepper to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste
1 lb. ground Italian sausage, browned
5-6 Yukon Gold potatoes, washed and diced to desired size
6 cups rough chopped kale

In a large Soup Pot, melt butter over medium to medium-high heat. Add minced garlic and brown it a little. Reduce heat to medium if needed and add flour. Whisk quickly to mix. Immediately add cream. Whisk to mix. Add chicken stock, milk, and season to taste. Add potatoes and ground Italian sausage. (I like my Italian sausage a little on the spicy side.... I think it adds a great flavor.) Let simmer on medium heat until potatoes are almost done. When you are about 5 minutes from serving the soup, add the kale. (You only want it slightly blanched. It will be a little crunchy still, and that is good!) Just before serving, check the seasoning levels, and see if it needs more salt, pepper or more cayenne if you want more of a kick. I loved this soup with the chevre topped crostinis! Enjoy!


  1. I love Zupas, but Laura's soup recipe is even better. We all really enjoyed this tasty meal. Thanks Laura for sharing your wonderful talent with us all!!!

  2. I loved the soup so much. I am making it this week.

  3. I am so glad you guys liked it so much! I just may have to make another batch! I still have some potatoes and kale left from my bundle! :)
