Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thankful Tuesday!

I know we all have things that we don't love about our kitchens.... Unless you are totally spoilt, and have everything just so.... Unlikely though. 

I thought rather than dwelling on what I dislike about my meager kitchen set up, I would think of a few things I do love in my kitchen! So here goes.

1- I love having freshly painted, white, crisp cabinetry. It makes me smile. Even when my dear old kitchen is in a bit of a cooking mess, it seems cheery, and light. Why oh why did I ever pick dark cabinets in my last house? :)

2- I love the order of my tools and cooking supplies. I just recently went through everything in my cupboards and drawers. It was no small task, but has made a huge impact on my efficiency in the kitchen. Cheers to being organized! If you are not, it is well worth the effort to take everything out and start over! You won't regret it.

3- I love my bright colored kitchen towels and decorative pillows on the bench. A splash of color goes a long way in my book. The detailed birds on my towels are so fun, and always bring a smile to my face. Hey, joy is in the little things right?

4- I love when I stay on the ball and have my "necessities" around like Bakers Joy Spray, and all sizes of Ziploc Baggies. Cant say enough about how much I love Bakers Joy. It works wonders people.

5- I love that I can cook in my kitchen and see my daughter right out the window swinging on her swing set. She loves that thing, and it really helps me get some cooking done! I don't think I could live without that window right above the sink. 

Well, I did it! There are some great things about my kitchen after all! If I can do it, you can too. :) So I suggest thinking up some things you are thankful for today. It will change your outlook a little, and remind you of how good you really do have it. 

Happy Tuesday! 

Remember to be thankful for what you have, even if they are little things. :)

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