Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Artisan and Cornbread Stuffing with Apples and Sausage

This recipe has found a special place in my heart over the last couple of years. I can't get enough of it. It really is a star on the table for Thanksgiving.
If you want to branch out and try something a little different than your ordinary holiday side dish, this is the recipe for you. The spicy Italian sausage really makes this dish. I love the spicy with the sweet/tart of the apples. There are so many layers to the flavor of this stuffing. You will love it!!!
This is one of the holiday side dish recipes I taught at South Fork Hardware recently. It was really fun to cook for all those who came. 

Artisan and Cornbread Stuffing with Apples and Sausage

32 ounces (weight) Cremini mushrooms
4 tablespoons canola oil
½ teaspoon kosher salt
4 cups cornbread, cut into 1 inch cubes
4 cups French bread, cut into 1 inch cubes
4 cups Artisan/ Crusty bread, cut into 1 inch cubes
½ pound Italian Sausage
2 cups diced onion
5 whole golden delicious apples, large diced
5 tablespoons brown sugar
1 cup white wine
½ teaspoon (additional) kosher salt
32 ounces, fluid Low sodium chicken broth
1 teaspoon ground thyme
½ teaspoon turmeric (more to taste)
2 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
½ teaspoon (additional) kosher salt
Black pepper to taste
Fresh parsley, minced
1 cup golden raisins

1-Allow diced bread to sit on cookie sheets for several hours or over night, until dried out.
2- Preheat oven to 500 degrees.
3- Wash mushrooms and pat dry with paper towels. Toss in a bowl with canola oil and sprinkle with ½ teaspoon salt. Mushrooms will be very coated, but that is good! Divide mushrooms between two sheet pans and roast in the upper half of the oven for at least 20 minutes. Stir once halfway through roasting. Remove from oven when mushrooms are deep brown. Set aside. Reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees.
4- In a large skillet, crumble and brown sausage over medium-high heat. Remove sausage from skillet and set aside.
5- Without cleaning the skillet, add in diced onions and brown for five minutes. Increase heat to high and add diced apples, brown sugar, and ½ teaspoon salt. Cook for 3-5 minutes, or until deep golden brown.
6- Decrease heat to medium and pour in wine (be careful if you are using an open flame.) Also add thyme, turmeric, rosemary, kosher salt and pepper. Stir and cook to reduce liquid by half, about two to three minutes. Pour apple/onion mixture into a bowl and set aside.
7- Add bread to a large bowl, then add browned sausage, mushrooms, golden raisins, and apple onion mixture (and juice that might have accumulated).
8- Next, add broth mixture gradually as you toss the ingredients, being prepared not to use all the liquid according to your taste. Check seasonings at the end (you may want to add more salt and pepper) and add minced parsley.  Pour into two large Pyrex dishes.
9- Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown on top. (Or you can stuff the turkey if you are into that type of thing.)
Delicious! Enjoy!

I love the trio of fresh dried breads! This really gives this stuffing that something special. It adds a depth to the flavor that is unmistakable. You can't go wrong there! :)

I have made this stuffing recipe with Cremini and Button Mushrooms. It is good with both! Take your pick! It is all about the roasting of the mushrooms that makes all the difference! They are like candy afterwards. Do NOT skip that step people! You will regret it.

Like I said... Candy. YUMMMMY! Just try not to eat them all before you put them in the stuffing. :)

 Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I know I will be loving it. There is nothing better than food, family and giving thanks for all you are blessed with!


  1. This looks absolutely fantastic! Love all the colors and flavor combinations. Must try it!

    1. Hi there! Thanks for your comment! This is truly one of my all time favorite thanksgiving dishes. Hope you had a chance to make it. :) have a great weekend! Hope to see you back on my blog for a visit soon!

