Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fluffy Pancakes with Strawberry Whipped Cream!

This was the most surprising recipe I have tried out in a while! I have messed around with about a million pancake recipes, and have never enjoyed one more than this!!! These really are the fluffiest circles from heaven. If you are craving some top notch pancakes, these are the BEST! 

I woke up the other morning dying for some strawberries! Sadly, I didn't have any, and there was no way I would be able to convince my sweet hubby to peel himself out of bed at the crack of dawn to serve my pregnancy craving.... At least I wasn't going to ask him to....

I mulled around my kitchen opening every cupboard and scoured the refrigerator but came up empty of anything that sounded any good (other than strawberries.) I was starting to get a little peeved at the fact that I wasn't going to be enjoying some fresh strawberry sweetness that day. Then I remembered that I bottled some fabulous strawberry freezer jam not too long ago, when I had fresh strawberries coming out my eyeballs! That was just the thing. All I needed to do was find something scrumptious to go along with it. I didn't want waffles, or toast... I didn't want to go to all the trouble of making my much loved crepes. So it was down to pancakes. Bisquick was not going to do it for me though. Their pancakes come out crumbly and sub-par for the most part unfortunately. Not like I don't ever use Bisquick, but today I just NEEDED something really good, you know?

I went online and googled "fluffy pancakes" because that is all I really wanted. A little fluff was what the doctor ordered for the day, and I was set on finding me some! I lucked out, because sometimes trying an unknown recipe can be disappointing. Not the case for this day! These pancakes submitted to Cooks.com by Martin Smith were a true winner. I made a few adjustments and doubled the recipe, but it was all inspired by him. Hooray! I can honestly say, I have never loved pancakes more than the ones I made with the help of Martin. So here is a little shout out to Martin. You made my morning special. Thank you. :)

Of course, I melted down a jar of my Strawberry Freezer Jam and whipped up some fresh whipping cream. It was a treat for sure. Not your every day healthy breakfast. That wasn't what I was craving. It was naughty, but I loved every bite of it! So did my little Elena Rose and her Daddy too. 

If you are feeling a little naughty yourself, and just happen to have some home made strawberry jam begging to be used, I highly suggest you make this. You are bound to love it! I know I did. So happy strawberry pancake breakfast to you all! :)

Fluffy Pancakes with Strawberry Whipped Cream


Dry ingredients:
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt

Wet Ingredients:
2 1/2 - 2 2/3 cups milk
1 cube of butter, melted
2 eggs, separate out egg whites and set aside. (You will still be using the yolks. Don't throw them away!!)
1- 1/2 tablespoons vanilla
A splash of lemon juice

In a medium bowl combine dry ingredients. Mix together.
In a smaller bowl mix together all wet ingredients except the egg whites. Put them in a small bowl and set aside.
Preheat frying pan to medium - medium/high heat. When frying pan is ready, a drop of water will "dance" and sizzle away.
Pour liquid ingredients into dry ingredients and mix to combine. Do not over mix. 
With an electric beater whip up egg whites until hard peaks form. Add the egg whites to the batter and fold in gently.
Pour a soup ladle of batter into hot skillet. Flip when there are bubbles on the top of the batter and 1/2 inch of the edge looks dry. 

For Strawberry Whipping Cream:
Add 2 cups whipping cream to a medium bowl. Pour in 1/4 cup sugar. Add 1/4 cup strawberry jam and 2 tablespoons real maple syrup! Mix together with electric beater until stiff peaks form. Place in refrigerator until ready to use. * Can be made ahead.

I served my Fluffy Pancakes with Strawberry Jam melted down over the stove instead of Syrup. I topped mine with a little of the Strawberry whipped cream, and it was to die for! A little slice of summer heaven on a cold winter morning! I recommend this particular start to your day anytime. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Ooohh - strawberry whipped cream sounds amazing! Great idea!
