Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mediterranean Salad Supreme: {Escaping Reality For A While}

Back story on this salad extraordinaire. I brought up a bunch of prepped and chopped veggies for salads to our last Muir Family Bear Lake weekend, so I could "attempt" to eat and snack a little healthier. One afternoon I decided to whip up a salad instead of the usual sandwich (which is what everyone else was having). I had a big batch of my delish tzatziki sauce leftover from my Souvlaki Chicken Dinner a few nights before. I decided I would use that for dressing instead of other higher calorie options. This beauteous salad is what I ended up with. All I had to do was place the desired amount of lettuce on my plate and top it with all my lovely veggies! I added some feta cheese crumbles and some avocado too. Top it all off with my tzatziki "dressing" and freshly ground salt and pepper! My oh my, this hit the spot! It was filling too. Sometimes salads just don't seem to quite comfort my starving little belly, but this one does, and it's vegetarian too! What's not to love? This works perfectly with my goal to eat more vegetarian meals. I just don't feel that we need to eat meat every meal! This was so satisfying. Everyone around me saw the gorgeous salad I brought to my place at the table, and my father in law gawked at me wondering why on earth he wasn't eating this too! Naturally I gave f-i-l my salad and made another. Everyone at the table shared a little of his salad and swoon... We had all fallen in love. To this day my husband talks about how much my father in law loved that salad. Apparently he tells people at work all the time how amazing it was. I guess I will have to have him over soon for a second helping! 

Here she is... Aint' she a beauty?

So let us all make time to prep some veggies and throw one of these together for lunch soon! I know I will. :)

That's all for now. I have to get back to my mommy vacation. I'm in Monterrey, CA at the moment trying to gather my faculties. Being a mom is tough stuff ya know.... Farewell! Next time you hear from me I hope I will be my much rested and ready to rock self! :)




  1. This looks like a great way to use up summer vegies and keep cool in the kitchen as well. I especially like the idea of the tzatziki dressing. However, I've not heard of castelvetrano olives before and don't know where to find them (though I could just leave them out or use some other olive instead)?

    1. Karen, thanks for the kind words! I think the castelvetrano olives are one of the best parts of this salad... They are usually in your average grocery store right by the kalamata olives. I have never not been able to find them in my area. They are bright green whole olives in glass jars. I would give it a shot to find them. This salad would also be good with kalamata olives. The flavor of the castelvetrano olives is very mild and buttery. I loooove them. I hope you can find them! Good luck! Let me know how it turns out. Have a great evening.

