Saturday, August 17, 2013

10 ways to make your day AWESOME!

I am a mom. I have two kids and a husband. I love this full time job. These are all truths. Another truth is, dang... This is a hard job sometimes! It's exhausting, challenging, thrilling at times and very rewarding. It takes every ounce of sweat, blood and tears to complete this job each and every day (ask any mom, they'll back me up on this). I wish there was a manual out there that make this job easier, but I haven't run across one so, I thought I would just share a few of my ideas about how to make your day as a mom a little easier, happier (or at least bearable!) We all want to go through the day and say that it was a good one. :)

10 ways to make your day AWESOME!

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1- Take a shower!! Yes, I know this might seem like an obvious. But it isn't. Period. Sometimes I find myself thinking, why do I need to shower? I'm not that dirty, I showered yesterday. I know as a mom many days are spent in the house or just running here and there playing the role of chauffeur for our brood. Its not like the average day is a beauty contest. Here's the thing though. Every time I shower I feel about 200% better as a person. Think about it, if you are clean you just have a better outlook on life. So find some way to get your kids off your back for 5 minutes and get squeaky clean. You are worth it. If you have a really young baby, take them in the shower with you if you have to. Turn on a movie for your older kids. Do whatever it takes to do this essential step towards a happier, more productive day. I say more productive, because if I am all clean and feeling good I am much more likely to get something done rather than wallowing in my lazy mom pajamas and bumming around the house wishing someone else would clean it... ;)

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2- Get up off the couch and accomplish something. Make one goal in the morning and just DO IT! If I get something simple accomplished like changing the laundry and folding those clothes, I work up some momentum to get more done. It really does make you feel good to just get the job done. Even if you have to run kids to school or make and clean up breakfast, if you have a load of laundry going, or the sink is clean and empty from a quick dish doing job, you will start your day off feeling accomplished. It makes for a much more productive day.

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3- Choose happy. At the beginning of each and every day, decide what kind of day you want it to be and make it happen. Talk to your kids! Tell them what a good day it is going to be. Show them how happy you are to get cracking on this GOOD DAY! Every day is new and has all the potential in the world to be just as awesome as you want it to be! Keep your thoughts positive and choose to be happy. :) If you are struggling to find your happiness, do something that you like and that cheers you or your kids up for a while. Take this time to start your day out on the right foot. Turn on some good music, listen to a motivational talk while you get ready for the day, anything that will make you feel good. :)

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4- Make a (doable list) of a few things you want to get done for the day. Keep it simple. Put it in on a note on your phone, or on a sticky note on the fridge. Write it down and stick to it. Get your kids involved in accomplishing these goals if possible. :)

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5- Eat something healthy!!! This is so important. Feed yourself a healthy balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes I catch myself thinking, oh I need to feed the kids some fruit, bread, milk, vegetable, protein.... After all that I end up eating just a piece of toast or something lame, and burning out in about an hour and a half. Not a real great recipe for a happy productive day. Your nutrition is just as important as your kids!! Pack in a good breakfast and you will have much more energy to tackle the day!

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6- Listen to music! Make the day fun by jamming out to some good tunes! Dance! Sing along to a good song. It'll do you some good to have a good music session. Show your kids the joy that good music can bring! Let me tell you, today my dear hubby texted me at 5:25pm telling me he wasn't going to make it home for dinner. Again. For the second (millionth) day in a row. It's not his fault but eek! That is like the mommy death sentence! Long story short, I spent the next 30 minutes feeling sorry for myself. Then I decided, what on earth!!?? I shouldn't be moping around letting this ruin my day. What did I do? I blasted some good old corny Taylor Swift and busted some serious moves with my 5 year old and almost 2 year old. We were all laughing and having the most fun we had had all day!! It totally cheered all of us up and blasted that lame old evening depression right out the window! It was the best medicine I could think of and it WORKS!

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7- Get outside and get some exercise. Even if you can't get to the gym, or your alone time workout didn't happen, don't let this stop you from getting moving. Strap those kiddies into a stroller and explore the neighborhood. Go to the park and really PLAY with your kids. Kick a soccer ball. Race your kid on their scooter. Jump on a trampoline in the back yard. Go swimming. Whatever it is, get outside and get your body some natural endorphins! It will make you feel so much better. You'll have more energy. There is always time for a stroll around the block.

8- Talk to another adult. At some point in the day talk to someone on your level. Call a friend to chat. Talk to your mother. Go to the park and talk to whoever is there, (people are friendly and usually want to chat too!) Make some adult-human-non-child connection during the day. Your brain needs this, I promise. Sometimes all you need is to tell your mom or grandmother or friend about your day. Know that others know what you are going through. People care a lot more than you might think, and it helps to stay connected to other moms. Make an effort to get in a good adult chat!

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9- Get dressed in something that will make you feel good. Take care of yourself. If you are in dire need of a good eyebrow wax, get'r done... Put on some makeup or just some mascara. Pretty up a bit. You'll feel good and look good. When you look good and put together you are more likely to feel like you can get out there and attack the day! You don't have to go all beauty queen on yourself, but give yourself the time and attention you need to feel good. You may not have time to do everything you want to all in one day but do at least one thing today to keep yourself looking and feeling pretty. If you are thinking to yourself, man.... I need about 10 things done (tweeze eyebrows, shave legs, color hair, shower, need new makeup, nails are a mess....) Don't get overwhelmed and give up! No mom on earth has it all together all the time, ESPECIALLY MYSELF. Just pick one thing and knock it off the list. You'll be glad you did!

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10- Count your blessings! I know that I am very blessed. I am fortunate to live in a good house, have a great hubby, two dang cute kids, and a safe neighborhood to live in. But. There is always a but isn't there? I hate those buts!! Don't let those buts pull you down. EVER. If you re-work your thought process into oneof gratitude, you will be so much more positive and happy. Choose to be happy and appreciative of what you have. For the people you know and the blessings you receive every day. Stop dwelling on the negatives. Do not let your mind go there. That negative place only brings you down. If you find yourself making negative little lists in your head (about the house, about what you wish your husband would do for YOU, about all the things that go wrong..) STOP!  Just stop. A negative mindset will get you nowhere real fast. Let the negatives go, and start listing off all the good in your life. Find something you can do for someone else...

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I can tell you that every time I have practiced one of these handy tips it has made my day that much more awesome. And that's a good thing. Thanks for listening to my ideas.. What are some of your favorite ways to have a happy day? I would love to hear about it!


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