Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cherry Almond Filled Ebelskivers: Back To School Breakfasts!

It's that crazy-exciting time of year. Back to school! This is a big year for us since our oldest baby is heading off into the wide wide world of Kindergarten! I know, to many of you mom's-of-older-kids this is nothing special, but to me it seems pretty huge. I am thrilled for my sweet baby girl. It does give me a little bit of nerves however, to relinquish control and care of my sweetie to a stranger. Yes, I know the teachers at her school are supposed to be great. I just hope they will love and appreciate my little girl like I do. 

That's how it if for many moms. They have to put their trust in those who get the privilege to become a huge roll model and influence on their kids. It's a big deal. Even though we have to let our kids head of to school and grow up, we can do a few little things (and some big things) to show them how much we love and care about them. One of those little things is sending them off for the day with a good home cooked meal. I know it's not realistic to make a big to-do every day, but every once in a while it can show your kiddos how much you care. I still remember the times when my mom took the time to fix me a nice breakfast, and I truly cherished those days when I didn't have to have cold cereal.

Today one of my breakfast recipes was featured on Skip To My Lou  for their post on back to school breakfast ideas! Since we are about to dive into the new school year I thought I would share with you another fun breakfast idea that is the all-star of kid favorite breakfasts. Ebelskivers! These are a light Danish pastry that are so versatile and magical. Every kid loves these. They are like little balls of joy in a bite! I have made ebelskivers several ways, but my most recent adventure in ebelskiver cooking were these cherry-almond delights. They are mouthwatering and have such a beautiful texture. Finish them off with a light dusting of powdered sugar and you are ready to devour a warm and welcoming breakfast!

You do need a special pan to cook these in, but it is pretty easy to find. I bought mine a while ago at Spoons And Spice. Once you invest in one of these pans you have endless options for experimentation and creativity at your fingertips. I have used several recipes for ebelskivers but this one from Williams Sonoma is pretty darn good. I added some vanilla and almond extract, but those are the only changes I made. Lets whip up breakfast together! Ready?

Oh my dear ebelskivers. I love you...

In a mixing bowl whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, sugar and salt. Separate 3 eggs. 

Lightly beat the egg yolks, then pour in the buttermilk, almond extract and vanilla and stir until just combined.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry mixture and mix until combined. Batter may be a little lumpy, but that OK. :) If you are lucky like me, you could get a cutie pie to do this step for you. Cutie pies usually love to use the electric beater too. Just FYI.

Beat egg whites until they are fluffy but not quite stiff peaked.  Using a rubber spatula very gently fold in egg whites in two batches. Stir as little as possible. 

There you go! Now you have a delicious batter ready to dress up however you deem prudent. :)

Wash your pretty cherries and remove the stems and pits. The easiest way I have found to do this is to slice around the center of the cherry and peel one side off. Then pick out the pit. If you are super prepared you could use a cherry-pitter. 

Once all the pits are removed, give your cherries a chop. We want them in fairly small chunks.

Beautiful. Set out your sliced almonds and have them at the ready to sprinkle in the center of your Ebelskivers. 

You will need some butter to line the pan before pouring in the batter. You can either have some pre-melted in a bowl with a brush next to the stove, or get really ghetto and peel the top of the wrapping off a butter stick and use it that way. :) I choose to do the latter. Just cause... Preheat your pan over medium heat. Melt some butter into each well on the pan. When it begins to bubble spoon about 1 tablespoon batter into each well. Pay attention to which well you fill first and move in a clockwise direction. Immediately put about 1/2 tablespoon chopped cherries on top of the batter and sprinkle a few almonds in too. Top with a little more batter. (About 1 tablespoon or less.)

When the edges begin to bubble use two wooden skewers to flip the ebelskivers over. Remember to move in the same pattern turning the ebelskivers as you poured them. This will help with more even coloring and consistency. Let them cook another 2-3 minutes. They should be golden brown on the outsides.

Please take note of my awesome use of a stick of butter above. No, I'm not lazy at all.....

Those are some good looking balls of glory... Get ready to enjoy!! 

Turn on your oven to 150 degrees and pour all you finished ebelskivers into a glass Pyrex dish to keep them warm until you are ready to serve them. :)

Right before serving sprinkle the ebelskivers with powdered sugar. I served these up with some real maple syrup and some extra cherries on the side. It was so delish. I hope you can treat your school-ready kiddos to this fun breakfast and show them how much you care. I know they will appreciate you! :) Happy new school year to you all!!! Here's to a great 2013-14 school year to us all!

Eye and mouth candy all on one plate. Yes!


Here are a few other fun breakfast ideas to try out! Happy cooking!

I linked up Skip To My Lou today!

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