Friday, January 28, 2011

A little stack of heaven!

Who says good things don't come from a mix???
He he. Sometimes mixes can be good. Don't hate. Appreciate!
I made these little naughties with a party sprinkle cake mix. They provide a cookie mixing option on the box, and this is the first time I have done that. 
Mike and I needed a treat for our Sunday School Class. (We teach 13 year olds. They are the cutest.)
We are new to that calling in our church and are just getting to know the kids, so we wanted a little yummy for them. They were loving them. In fact they liked them so much that Mike and I had to share one. The only one left! Yikes! 
Even thought the cookies were from a mix, I did make the frosting from scratch, and it was delish!!!
I am going to share with you my trusty frosting recipe. Use it wisely..... :)

Creamy Butter Frosting

3/4 cups butter, softened
9 cups sifted powdered sugar (about 2 lb.)
1/4-1/2 cup milk
2 teaspoons mexican vanilla
*extra milk
*food coloring (optional)

mix all ingredients together with a whisk. It will be thick. If needed add additional milk until it is to your desired consistency. Add food coloring last.
*Half the batch if you are only frosting 2 dozen cookies or cupcakes. If you want to frost a cake, do the full batch. 

Have fun!

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